"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Writing Motivation (Writercize)

This week, Writercize asks about my motivation to write.

What prevents me from writing?
1. Reading
I love to read so much that it often interferes with my writing time. This year I even started a Pinterest board to keep track of all the books I have read. During NaNoWriMo this year, I only allowed myself to read books about writing. This kept me more focused and inspired me to write.  However, it also made me want to start revising before I had finished the first draft.  I did manage to sneak in one non-fiction book this month also, since it was research for the novel I am writing :)

2.  My Crafts
I love to create.  I knit, crochet and bead.  In the evening, when I am sitting on the couch, relaxing after work, I usually pick up a project.  Sometimes it's my writing, but more often it's a knitting or crochet project.

3.  My Daily Routine
I have yet to put away time in my daily routine that is sacred and only for writing.  I work 40 hours a week, maintain my house, cook meals and spend lots of time with my husband and elderly kitty.  All of these responsibilities take away from my writing time.

4.  Internet
I almost forgot one of my biggest distractions: the internet.  I love to read blogs.  I can spend hours just staring at Pinterest.  I am a member of more than one social network.  Sometimes I can't use the computer for writing because there are too many ways to be distracted :)

What motivates me to write?
I have always loved to write and have kept a journal of one type or another for much of my life.  I used to rely on other people's prompts and searched out lists of new and interesting ideas and story starters.  Then, one day I realized that I had some of my own story ideas swirling around in my head.  I discovered NaNoWriMo and decided to give it a try.  Now I can't stop the story ideas and I feel a need to get them all down on paper, even if they never get published.

What prevents you from writing?  What motivates you to write?

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