"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Monday, March 19, 2018

I am a Nail Biter

Monday Musings is a weekly post where I write about whatever is 
currently on my mind.

I am a nail biter.  I have been a nail biter for as long as I can remember.  Throughout my childhood, I had no nails to speak of.  My fingers were always in my mouth.  I was never proud of my hands or my nails.

As I have gotten older, I have become more successful at growing my nails.  I usually have a few months of healthy (as healthy as they can be after years of biting and picking) nails, then one will break.  I will start to pick and bite.  Picking and biting.  Picking and biting.  Until all my nails are gone.  Sometimes I can limit myself to one or two nails, usually a thumb and an index finger.

In the last ten years I have had two serious finger infections.  One tested positive for MRSA.  Both were scary experiences; I have an artificial hip and have to take all infections very seriously.  Each time, there was no wound.  The doctors determined that the cause of the infection was my nail-biting.  My most recent infection was only two months ago, mid-February, and I knew that it was time to take control of this problem.

I am a nail biter Day 1
My thumb on Day 1

Day 1:  As part of my Year of Yes!, I decided to say "Yes!" to my nails.  I gave myself a manicure and painted my nails a bright shade of pink.  This makes it a lot more obvious if my nail is headed towards my mouth.  My left thumb was my shortest, most ragged nail.
I am a nail biter Day 18
My thumb on Day 18

Day 18:  At the days passed by, I was making progress.  I had not bitten a nail, not even one.  I had picked at the skin around some nails, but things were definitely getting better.  I was maintaining my manicures and using all of my nail polishes.

My thumb on Day 30

Day 30:  My nails are growing.  My skin is healing.  This may be the best decision I have made this month.  My nails are still really weak and two of them broke this week.  I picked up my nail file instead of biting or picking.  I have successfully gone a whole month without destroying a nail!  I am using that finger infection and my hip health as motivation to keep going all year.

Wish me luck!
Have you ever tried to quit a bad habit?

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