"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Late IWSG Post

Yesterday was another Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

I am posting late for IWSG, and that really describes how my writing and blogging have been going recently. A few weeks ago, my back went out, and I spent a week lying on the floor to help my back heal and feel better.  This made it really difficult to use a computer, so I allowed my writing and blogging to fall to the side.    

This wouldn't worry me if it had been a temporary change, but I have been neglecting my writing for at least three weeks now.  This year I had been working so hard to post on my blogs regularly and finish my manuscript, and I just let it all fall apart.  It was easier to continue not writing than to find the motivation to start again. I even ignored social media for a week!

Finally, last night I opened my manuscript and started writing again.  I wrote over 600 words.  Today I updated all my blogs. I feel my motivation coming back.  I even checked out a book about poetry writing.  I used to write a lot of poetry in high school and recently I have been thinking about trying it again.  It feels good to be back, and I hope I don't falter again.


  1. I know, it is so hard to keep to a writing schedule. The trick is to actually sit down and WRITE! (BIC = Butt In Chair)! But doesn't it feel so good to actually get some good writing done? I usually get so proud of myself that I think I can take the next day off... Big mistake! Anyway I am a A-Z blog buddy stopping by to say hi! You can see me at shaylakwiatkowski.blogspot.com & amazon.com/author/shaylakwiatkowski .... Come on over to play! Happy Writing!

    1. BIC, I like that :) I am looking forward to the A to Z challenge this year. I will definitely stop by your blog. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. HI, Loca,

    SO nice to meet you. CONGRATS on finding your writing again. WE ALL go through these stages. Believe me mine went on for MONTHS. Last year I found it so hard to keep up with blogging and writing because I was working in another state on a design project for a client for five months. I had no energy to do anything else.

    This year I vowed to keep in contact with our community on a daily basis and get through my edits. I am determined and THANKFULLY I have been keeping up. FULL STEAM AHEAD. You are on the tracks again so your train will definitely keep on chugging along.

    1. I know what you mean about not having the energy. I am a teacher and often come home from work completely drained of energy. I started the school year well; I was writing daily and keeping up with all the blogs I read on a daily basis. As the year goes on, I find it gets harder to keep up. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a little inspiration :)

  3. That's awesome! It's easy to get out of the habit - trust me.

    1. I know. It happens far too often. My writing habit is definitely a work in progress.
