"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly Wrap-up - February 7, 2016

Blog Posts
Book Haul - I posted about the next books on my TBR list and where I found them
What I'm Reading Wednesday - My fifth post this year about my reading

What I read
I finished The Double Life of Fidel Castro by Juan Reinaldo Sánchez with Axel Glydén.  It was an interesting read, although not very shocking.  I have now started reading Peeps by Scott Westerfeld.

Interesting Stuff I Found on the Internet
I rediscovered Month of Letters and decided to participate again.  The last time I tried this challenge was three years ago and it didn't go very well.  Hopefully I can do better this time around.

Fiction Writing
No writing this week :(

No editing this week, although I did think about it a lot :)

How did your week go?


  1. Just like you, thinking about my projects and trying to do some outlining. No writing or editing last week.

    1. Oh, then I don't feel so bad. Sometimes it feels like I am making no progress.
