"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Top Ten Characters I Just Didn't Click With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

At first I had a really hard time with this list, but soon the ideas were flowing.  In the end I came up with 8 characters that I did not click with.

1.  Sansa from Game of Thrones series
I thought she was annoying.  Then again marriage has never been my life goal, and I don't care if I am fashionable or not.

2.  Malorie from Bird Box
She doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut, and I have real problems with how she raised her kids.

3.  A. Norton Perina from The People in the Trees
Suspected child molester who takes advantage of native people.  Not a likeable man.

4.  Todd from The Knife of Never Letting Go
Wow, this kid annoyed me.  I understand that he's just a kid, but all he had to do was admit that he didn't know everything and things would have worked out so much better.

5.  Elphaba from Wicked
I didn't really like anything about this book.

6.  The Coroner from The Coroner's Lunch
Another book that I wasn't very fond of.  

7.  Allison from The Immortal Rules
Why does this vampire keep trying to live a human life?  Annoying.

8.  Nick from Gone Girl
When everyone thinks that you killed your wife, you should definitely not act like Nick does.

It's interesting that even though I didn't really click with these characters, I did have an emotional response to them.  Not all characters are supposed to be likeable.  Not all characters are supposed to be unannoying.  I enjoyed most of the books even if I didn't click with all the characters.


  1. I don't understand how someone could click with Sansa. She irritated me so much - specially when she was "in love" with Joffrey. It took her so long to see how evil/mad he was.

    Happy readings! ;)

  2. I agree about Nick. I haven't read the book yet, but have seen the movie :)

  3. I'm not familiar with any of these characters! Well, I've heard of some of them. I've actually got Wicked in my TBR pile. Uh-oh...
